Full Name: Kirsten Chantal Larson
Nicknames: Kirsti
Birthday: June 6
Food: CHEESECAKE (Even though it's not healthy, heehee)
Subject: Eh, Politics
Color: Navy blue
Book: The Shock Doctrine, All the Devils are Here, Hell or Barbados, etc.
Movie: Political, traveling or documentaries
Cartoon Character: Who needs characters?
Hobbies: Politics, cleaning, talking, lecturing
Animal: Lizards or snakes I suppose. Not an animal girl exactly.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Probably vanilla
Coke or Pepsi: Root beer
Morning or Evening: Morning, because I'm fresh and awake and so tired in the evening
Summer or Winter: I go on vacations in summer, but I like winter weather, so I don't know.
Fruits or Veggies: Vegetables are much, much healthier. Do you have any idea of all the health benefits of olive oil?
Rain or Sun: Rain, but it keeps us inside
Inside or Outside: Outside, as walking is important
Plane or Boat: Doesn't make a difference, really...
TV or Movies: If TV=news and Movies=documentaries, it's a tie--like both
Mustard or Ketchup: I like both
Ferris Wheel or Roller Coaster: Depends, most of the time a roller coaster
ALSO! WARNING: DO NOT buy those big, cheap bottles of Mexican vanilla by the Mexican border! They have an almost-lethal poisoning in them, that's why they're so cheap. The drug commonly causes liver and kidney diseases/failures, so resist those bargain vanilla bottles.
ALSO! WARNING: DO NOT buy those big, cheap bottles of Mexican vanilla by the Mexican border! They have an almost-lethal poisoning in them, that's why they're so cheap. The drug commonly causes liver and kidney diseases/failures, so resist those bargain vanilla bottles.